Motorola ZINE ZN5 with few moving parts

Motorola ZINE ZN5 has candybar form factor which means few moving parts, few points of failure. The only moving part is the camera lens cover that acts as a camera switch which invokes the camera function. Motorola ZINE ZN5 has no 3G access but haswifi/ 802.11b /g which is helpfull if you don’t have a data plan. Motorola ZINE ZN5 could help in passing time while waiting for my better half to finish shopping. No built in GPS but has bluetooth connectivity. Navigation will be by subscription or buying a third party software.

Furthermore, Motorola ZINE ZN5 has FM radio receiver which has a good reception considering about 30 miles away fromthe broadcasting station. Music plays loud and clear specially for the stored MP3s. It can support up to 4GB of extra micro SD memory. The pictures look stunning, just let the camera focus to the subject before you take that photo.

Here is a video tour of the new Motorola ZN5 camera phone for you ...........

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